Independent Project Progress

Project Information:

For my independent project this semester, I am working with Dr. Schillo of the Biology department to create an online learning module for beginner biology students. The purpose of this project is to help new students taking biology, whether it is for their major or taken for a gen ed/elective, by giving them an online resource to understand and answer questions about different modules relating to the course.

The team for this project is Dr. Schillo as our supervisor, two senior biology students, Nate and Katie, who are doing research and writing the modules, another senior biology student, Jay, who is also skilled in web development, and myself who is working on the web design/development as well as creating a logo for the project. We have all been meeting every Friday to talk about the web site and how we should go about laying everything out on the site. So far we have a homepage pretty well underworks, and we are going to be creating a template for the actual modules pretty soon.

The goal right now is to have at least one module completely put together and up on the site by the end of summer that includes Case, Background, Methods, Data, and Discussion sections along with animations and videos that go along with the case study.

The end goal for this project is to be able to send this website to other schools that they can use for their own biology departments. Dr. Schillo would like to get this project funded even more to be able to incorporate art students every year as interns that would keep updating the site with more modules and learning materials.

Here is an update of some things that have been done, it has been a relatively slow process for many reasons but it is starting to take shape:

Initial Logo Designs Presented to Group:

Final Logo Ideas

Final Logo:

Hand & Apple

Screen Shots of the Developing Web Pages:
Each page in the left navigation is mainly completed and the first module is underway.

Screen Shot 2015-04-24 at 9.44.28 PM Screen Shot 2015-04-24 at 9.45.36 PM

This is one of the animations I created for the first module, it shows the time difference between stimulating the ulnar nerve in two different locations.


Side Project:

This semester, the Co-Ed National Community Service Fraternity that I am a part of put on a conference here at SUNY Oneonta for over 300 of our members from surrounding schools. I was on the planning committee for this conference and designed the t-shirt, mug, and banquet invitations. The conference was “Friends” themed (the tv show)
Here are a few pictures of what I created.

untitled-1 untitled-2 untitled-5 untitled-7untitled-3 untitled-4  untitled-6

3 thoughts on “Independent Project Progress

  1. Clearly obsessed with your work as I chose to comment twice on your blog and could comment more…. Your independent project looks awesome!!! This is amazing to be apart of! I love how you showed all of your potential logo’s that you created before you landed on the final. It shows the concept of the design and the ideas behind the project. Great job, all of your work is amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

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