Library of Congress Brochures

For this project, we had to make 3 brochures based off of different collections from the Library of Congress online database. The purpose of this assignment was to focus on making three brochures that looked like they belonged in a series with one another. We were to create three different types of brochures, I chose to do the gate fold, double parole fold, and the barrel fold. Important things to focus on were keeping enough space between the edges of the panels and the content inside, and making sure the text was an appropriate size and neatly manicured. For this assignment, I really wanted to strive to make these look professional and to make sure each panel looked good paired next to the other panels.

The three digital collections I chose were Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information, Carnegie Survey of the Architecture of the South, and Matson (G. Eric and Edith) Photograph Collection. I ended up choosing these three because of their striking black and white photographs.

Barrel Fold Template Barrel Fold Template2 Gate Fold Template Gate Fold Template2 ParallelFold ParallelFold2

One thought on “Library of Congress Brochures

  1. I thought your project came out beautiful. I can definitely see these brochures somewhere and wanting to pick them up because the photos and typography are done beautifully. I love the three colors you chose. The photos are black and white so I am glad you chose to put color into it.

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